Saturday, July 21, 2012

French Films - Vic's Favs (Part 2)

Scenes from La Papillon - The Butterfly (2002) by Phillippe Muyl

A Scene from Conte d'été - A Summer's Tale (1996) by Eric Rohmer

A scene from Alphaville (1965) by Jean-Luc Godard

Part 1 of Manon des Sources - Manon of the Spring (1986) by Claude Berri

Friday, July 20, 2012

French Film - Vic's Favs (Part 1)

There are many lists of best French films on the internet. Here are some of my personal favorites:

V's Favs
1. Lumiere Bros Shorts films (1895)
2. La petite marchande d'allumettes - The Little Match Girl (1928)
3. A Day in the Country - Partie de campagne (1936)
4. La Belle et La Bete - Beauty and the Beast (1946)
5. Orpheus (1950)
6. Diary of a Country Priest (1951)
7. Diabolique (1955)
8. Mon Oncle (1958)
9. Le Mépris - Contempt (1963)
10. Alphaville (1965)
11. Ma nuit chez Maud - My Night at Maud's (1969)
12. Le Boucher (1979)
13. Manon of the Spring (1986)
14. La Belle Noiseuse (1991)
15. Three Colors: Red (1994)
16. Conte d'été - A Summer's Tale (1996)
17. Conte d'automne - Autumn Tale (1998)
18. Amélie (2001)
19. Swing (2002)
20. Le Papillon - The Butterfly (2002)
21. Le Fils de l'épicier - The Grocer's Son (2007)
22. Coco avant Chanel - Coco Before Chanel (2009)
23. The Hedgehog (2009)
24. Le Nom des gens - The Names of Love (2010)

Would like to see:
Napoléon (1927)
L'Argent de poche - Small Change (1976)

Lumiere Brothers selected short films:

Auguste and Louis Lumiere

"But then something suddenly clicks, everything disappears, and there on the screen a railroad train appears. It speeds like an arrow directly towards you - watch out! It looks as if it is making a beeline for the darkness in which you are sitting, and is going to turn you into a tattered bag of skin, filled with crushed flesh and ground bones, and turn the cinema hall into rubble and ashes and destroy this house that is full of wine, women, music and vice." - Maxim Gorki, on the occasion of the first public demonstration of the cinematographe in Russia.

La petite marchande d'allumettes - The Little Match Girl (1928) by Jean Renoir

Partie de campagne - A Day in the Country (1936) by Jean Renoir

La Belle et La Bete - Beauty and the Beast (1946) by Jean Cocteau